This Space Adventure is a Bucket List Must

If you’re looking for the ultimate experience of a life time, after feeling somewhat envious of Richard Branson’s and Jeff Bezos space adventure, you too can now travel to space for a mere $125,000 usd. This bold and innovative company Space Perspective is offering these fascinating space flight experiences such as the likes of astronauts in an astonishing space balloon. With a cocktail in hand Spaceship Neptune space balloon will take you and 7 other guests ( total of 8 guests plus the space ballon pilot) on once in life time amazing expedition. The flight experience will last 6 hours, from launch to landing. Spaceship Neptune will ascend for two hours to over three times higher than a commercial airliner, until it reaches its maximum apogee of 100,000 ft, (30 km). Once there, Space Perspective states it will float on the atmosphere like an ice cube floats on water, watching the sunrise over the earth as it slowly rises over the curved earth.

So what can you expect to see? For one, stars will be visible like you’ve never before seen them. A magnificent sun rise, scattering rainbow colours of light sparkling across the planet and illuminating the blue light of the atmosphere. Space Perspective also states that the sky remains black and of course the breathtaking view of earth form the space ballon.

This amazing vessel not only offers wifi for their guests to connect live with friends and loved ones back on earth it has a bathroom on board for bragging rights of the most exclusive ‘Loo” in the sky, stated on their website. Space Neptune has a bar for the space guest who wishes to indulge. But most importantly there will be video and photos captured for keepsake for the most ultimate trip.

No special training, special clothing or equipment is required and the cabin is pressurized, guests are able to walk around freely and watch the incredible 360 views of the earth.

Since Space Perspective announced it was taking reservations in June of this year they have sold out until 2025.

For more information, visit


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